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Zeptil Zeptil Zeptil Zeptil Zeptil Zeptil Zeptil Zeptil Zeptil Zeptil Zeptil Zeptil Zeptil Zeptil Zeptil Zeptil Zeptil Zeptil Zeptil Zeptil

The World’s Leading
Hashpower Provider



ZEPTIL is a legally operating company in the UK. We were one of the first to invest in cryptocurrencies. ZEPTIL is a leading blockchain investment company. Our mission is to act as a catalyst for universal adoption and blockchain innovation. We focus only on investing in blockchain technologies. Our team has experience in both traditional financing and emerging blockchain technology. We aim to help users acheive their aim of reaching ultimate goal, by earning interest daily.



Our history all these years

  1. 2013 . Zeptil company is founded! December
  2. 2014 . Opening of our first facility in Holland! October
  3. 2015 . We launch our first Bitcoin awareness campaign! October
    . Our customer base reaches 100.000December
  4. 2016 . Our Jamie Dimon billboard goes famous! January
    . We sent a Bitcoin to spaceAugust
  5. 2017 . CNN’s “Quest Means Business” visits us in Iceland October
    . We reach the milestone of 2.000.000 customersDecember
  6. 2018 . Our first facility in Sweden starts running January
    . Our staged protest “Bankers Against Bitcoin” goes viralMay
    . We win “Mining Initiative of the Year Award 2018” with our Radiant TechnologyNovember

Who we are

The story of Zeptil Company started at the end of 2013. Our founders got to know each other by using the same platform for buying and selling Bitcoins. They were fascinated by the technology and wanted to build their own farm, only to realize all their friends wanted to participate as well.
They came up with the idea of investments as a service and built the first Investment Company in Eastern Europe. Since our founding, we have grown tremendously and a lot has happened, but one thing remains constant: We are all strong believers in the future of digital currencies and we love being part of this growing community.
Vision & Mission

Making Investment accessible to everyone

Zeptil Company is one of the leading Investment providers in the world, offering cryptocurrency investments capacities in every range - for newcomers, interested home investors, as well as large scale investors. Our mission is to make acquiring income easy and fast for everyone.
We provide a multi-algorithm, multi-coin cloud investment service using the latest technology - without any pool fees. The ultimate goal of our existence is to make cryptocurrency investments an easy, smart and rewarding experience for all. Our services already attracted more than 2.000.000 people - We’d be happy to serve you as well!